In addition to classes, the internship component requires 8-12 hours a week in order to earn 3 FREE credits each semester. Our weekly schedule is designed with this in mind.
Mondays: 9:00am – Noon - MEETINGS & INTERNSHIP HOURS
Tuesdays: OFF
Wednesdays: 10:30am – 8:00pm (depending on each internship) - CHAPEL & INTERNSHIP HOURS
Thursdays: 9:00am – 12noon - STUDY HALL and/or LIVE CLASSES
Thursday Evenings: Community Nights (These are optional. We try to create intentional time for connection and fun through food, sports, board games, worship, etc.)
Fridays: OFF
Saturdays: OFF (Unless there are special requirements of internship)
Sundays: INTERNSHIP HOURS (depending on each internship)